Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Embrace Your Individuality & Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Are You Ready? I am Flying My Freak Flag!

Freak? Who you callin’ freak? Have you ever used that word to describe someone that is different than you?

You see a person walking down the street covered in tattoos from head to foot and you wouldn't even consider inking your body, so you think freak.

Maybe you have spent time looking at the Walmart customer pictures online and enjoyed their whacky outfits and you think, “What kind of freaky person would wear that?”

Even though I am not a gambler I would bet that someone has called you freak too!

But that is okay, because we ALL have a FREAK FLAG! It is okay to fly it.

So you don’t know what I mean when I say freak flag? Well the Urban Dictionary defines freak flag as “a characteristic, mannerism, or appearance of a person, either subtle or overt, which implies unique, eccentric, creative, adventurous or unconventional thinking.”

We all have a unique characteristic! Isn't it okay to allow the rest of the world to see it?

In today’s episode of Cheryl WEBtv I talk about why you should let your freak flag fly and embrace your individuality!
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Decorate your soul with your individuality and let your freak flag fly. –via @cherylwebtv #freakflag

Now it is your turn to fly your freak flag!

In the comments below I want you to tell me what is unique about your appearance, personality, or the way you dress! Whatever your freak flag is, let me know because you will be accepted here on Cheryl WEBtv.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

What Holds You Back from Achieving Your Life Goals?

What Holds You Back?

Life Goals, do you have them?

I woke up one morning more than 2 weeks ago and I finally decided to stop worrying about what my friends would think.

I thought to myself, "It is MY life and if I want to this then I can. I am 44 years old and I don't need my friends' approval."

Have you ever had a big goal in life but you weren't sure how to get it?

Have you wanted to reach a goal so badly but you didn't have clarity on how to get it?

That was me...I had a big life goal that I have thought about since I was in my 20's. One day I realized why I wasn't able to move forward.

Maybe the same thing is holding you back from achieving a life goal! If so, then you should watch today's episode of Cheryl WEBtv.

Tweetable: You can achieve any goal when you have clarity of your life vision. –via @cherylwebtv

Now it is your turn...

What is the one life goal or vision that you want for your life?

Enter in the comments below and take charge of this decision. I had many friends laugh at my life goal but the most important thing is that I live my life the way I want. I don't want you to live your life based on what others think you should be doing with your life. Go after the things you want in life and live happy!

Until next time, remember...

You only have one life to CREATE,
so go confidently for your dreams,
think big, live happy,
and make EVERY day count!

In Friendship & Love,


P.S. If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day (#helpoverhumpday) every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates below and be the first to get your weekly inspiration! Visit my website

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Having Faith Changed my Health

Having faith scared away my fear!

I don't know if you have been in a situation where you thought your life was coming to an end, but I had one of the biggest scares when I was 39 years old!

People faced with a life threatening fear tell you that you see your life flash in front of you, but that isn't true!  I didn't see the past, I pictured my future.  

The moment that I found out my heart stopped and tears began to flow. Every other problem I had seemed meaningless. It is funny how we go through life not appreciating the things we have or embracing every day until something threatens to take it away.

With Easter approaching this weekend I wanted to share my miracle story and what happened to me six years ago that changed how I view my life.

Please watch today’s episode if you are in need of some encouragement and you need faith to get past a big life scare!

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Now it is your turn...

Please tell me about a time when you leaned on faith instead of allowing your fear to take over.

In Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates on CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

Can a Pessimist Also Have the Power of Positive Thinking?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Does a Realist think like a pessimist or do they have the power of positive thinking?

power of positive thinking
Has anyone ever called you a name?  That is a name other than the one on your birth certificate?

Some names are fun nicknames given in love and others are just bad labels we want to forget.

I was shocked when my husband called me "negative"!  I have never been told that I have a pessimistic attitude.

I am a realist!  Some may call me the "watchdog" because I can recognize a problem in a plan before the first step of the plan is taken.

That is NOT being negative, that is a gift!

However, like everyone else, I have battled negative thoughts!

If you suffer from thinking negatively, then you MUST watch today's episode!
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Let go of the thoughts that don't make you strong! Kushandwizdom -via@cherylwebtv

Now it is your turn to tell me about yourself!

In the comments below answer one of the following questions:
  1. What is the negative thought you didn't know you had?
  2. What is the negative thought you want to tackle and pull out of your mind for good?
Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

Are you feeling unappreciated lately?

Feeling Unappreciated?

One Thought That Will Make You Feel Special

Are you feeling unappreciated lately?

Are you feeling unappreciated at work because your boss doesn't say “Good Job”?

Maybe you are feeling unappreciated in your relationship because your husband and kids don't say "Thanks for dinner".

I don't know about you but sometimes I just want the day to be focused on me.  I want to feel special.  Okay, that is my only child syndrome making an appearance, but don't you want to feel special too?

Luckily for both of us I remembered a story about the most famous couple in the world that has a surprising message that applies to YOU!

Ladies, watch this video and then have the nerve to tell me that this ONE THOUGHT doesn't make you feel amazingly special.  Tell me, I dare you!

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A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul. Minna Antrim via @CherylWEBtv

Now it is your turn!  Please leave me a comment and let me know what else you think makes women so special?  Hey, us ladies have to stick together!

Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Love Your Body

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

"OMG Becky, look at her butt, it is so big!"  Do you remember this song by Sir Mix-A-Lot?

I loved this song because it was so different.  It is the first song that praised a part of the body that most women would be embarrassed about.

We all have areas of our body that we don’t like!  We all compare our bodies to other women and sometimes think, “I wish I had her _____________.”

How would you like to walk around and be happy about your body and love what you see?  Wouldn’t that be a miracle for most of us ladies?

Watch this video and learn how you can receive the miracle of “loving your body” by accepting this one thought!

It takes less energy to stop thinking about a negative thought than it does to obsess about it! @CherylWEBtv 

Now, I gave you a challenge in the video, so in the comments fill in the blank below...

I love ____________ about myself!

Don't be embarrassed, we all have something we should be proud of and it doesn't have to be a body part.   Maybe it is your laugh, your commitment to your kids, or the love you show for your family.  The most important thing is that you say positive things about yourself and to yourself everyday!

Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

Tired of Your Emotions Controlling Your Mood?

Emotional Breakthrough

Emotional Freedom...Isn't it Time You had a Breakthrough?

Sorry to break the news to you, but life is hard! Yes, you will never get everything you want in life Now I know that you are an overachiever so this news comes as a surprise to you.  But there is so much in our life worth fighting for. Believe it or not, some of the best advice about life comes from the movie Joe Dirt. Joe Dirt said, “Life is a Garden, Dig It”. What the crap does THAT mean?  Well, in today’s episode of Cheryl WEBtv, I will tell you!

The key to gaining victory in life is to believe your happiness is worth fighting for. @CherylWEBtv

Now, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

I want you to tell me if you are pickin' up what I am throwing down?  If you understand that you must F.I.G.H.T. in this world for your happiness, then tell me what you fight for in your life. Is it your Faith, Individuality, Grace, Healing, or Love in your life?  Maybe it is something else that is near and dear to your heart.  Please share with me in the comments below.

Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb