Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are you feeling unappreciated lately?

Feeling Unappreciated?

One Thought That Will Make You Feel Special

Are you feeling unappreciated lately?

Are you feeling unappreciated at work because your boss doesn't say “Good Job”?

Maybe you are feeling unappreciated in your relationship because your husband and kids don't say "Thanks for dinner".

I don't know about you but sometimes I just want the day to be focused on me.  I want to feel special.  Okay, that is my only child syndrome making an appearance, but don't you want to feel special too?

Luckily for both of us I remembered a story about the most famous couple in the world that has a surprising message that applies to YOU!

Ladies, watch this video and then have the nerve to tell me that this ONE THOUGHT doesn't make you feel amazingly special.  Tell me, I dare you!

Tweet This Quote

A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul. Minna Antrim via @CherylWEBtv

Now it is your turn!  Please leave me a comment and let me know what else you think makes women so special?  Hey, us ladies have to stick together!

Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

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