Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Holds You Back from Achieving Your Life Goals?

What Holds You Back?

Life Goals, do you have them?

I woke up one morning more than 2 weeks ago and I finally decided to stop worrying about what my friends would think.

I thought to myself, "It is MY life and if I want to this then I can. I am 44 years old and I don't need my friends' approval."

Have you ever had a big goal in life but you weren't sure how to get it?

Have you wanted to reach a goal so badly but you didn't have clarity on how to get it?

That was me...I had a big life goal that I have thought about since I was in my 20's. One day I realized why I wasn't able to move forward.

Maybe the same thing is holding you back from achieving a life goal! If so, then you should watch today's episode of Cheryl WEBtv.

Tweetable: You can achieve any goal when you have clarity of your life vision. –via @cherylwebtv

Now it is your turn...

What is the one life goal or vision that you want for your life?

Enter in the comments below and take charge of this decision. I had many friends laugh at my life goal but the most important thing is that I live my life the way I want. I don't want you to live your life based on what others think you should be doing with your life. Go after the things you want in life and live happy!

Until next time, remember...

You only have one life to CREATE,
so go confidently for your dreams,
think big, live happy,
and make EVERY day count!

In Friendship & Love,


P.S. If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day (#helpoverhumpday) every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates below and be the first to get your weekly inspiration! Visit my website

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