Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can a Pessimist Also Have the Power of Positive Thinking?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Does a Realist think like a pessimist or do they have the power of positive thinking?

power of positive thinking
Has anyone ever called you a name?  That is a name other than the one on your birth certificate?

Some names are fun nicknames given in love and others are just bad labels we want to forget.

I was shocked when my husband called me "negative"!  I have never been told that I have a pessimistic attitude.

I am a realist!  Some may call me the "watchdog" because I can recognize a problem in a plan before the first step of the plan is taken.

That is NOT being negative, that is a gift!

However, like everyone else, I have battled negative thoughts!

If you suffer from thinking negatively, then you MUST watch today's episode!
Tweet This Quote

Let go of the thoughts that don't make you strong! Kushandwizdom -via@cherylwebtv

Now it is your turn to tell me about yourself!

In the comments below answer one of the following questions:
  1. What is the negative thought you didn't know you had?
  2. What is the negative thought you want to tackle and pull out of your mind for good?
Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

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