Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Embrace Your Individuality & Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Are You Ready? I am Flying My Freak Flag!

Freak? Who you callin’ freak? Have you ever used that word to describe someone that is different than you?

You see a person walking down the street covered in tattoos from head to foot and you wouldn't even consider inking your body, so you think freak.

Maybe you have spent time looking at the Walmart customer pictures online and enjoyed their whacky outfits and you think, “What kind of freaky person would wear that?”

Even though I am not a gambler I would bet that someone has called you freak too!

But that is okay, because we ALL have a FREAK FLAG! It is okay to fly it.

So you don’t know what I mean when I say freak flag? Well the Urban Dictionary defines freak flag as “a characteristic, mannerism, or appearance of a person, either subtle or overt, which implies unique, eccentric, creative, adventurous or unconventional thinking.”

We all have a unique characteristic! Isn't it okay to allow the rest of the world to see it?

In today’s episode of Cheryl WEBtv I talk about why you should let your freak flag fly and embrace your individuality!
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Decorate your soul with your individuality and let your freak flag fly. –via @cherylwebtv #freakflag

Now it is your turn to fly your freak flag!

In the comments below I want you to tell me what is unique about your appearance, personality, or the way you dress! Whatever your freak flag is, let me know because you will be accepted here on Cheryl WEBtv.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

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