Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Love Your Body

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

"OMG Becky, look at her butt, it is so big!"  Do you remember this song by Sir Mix-A-Lot?

I loved this song because it was so different.  It is the first song that praised a part of the body that most women would be embarrassed about.

We all have areas of our body that we don’t like!  We all compare our bodies to other women and sometimes think, “I wish I had her _____________.”

How would you like to walk around and be happy about your body and love what you see?  Wouldn’t that be a miracle for most of us ladies?

Watch this video and learn how you can receive the miracle of “loving your body” by accepting this one thought!

It takes less energy to stop thinking about a negative thought than it does to obsess about it! @CherylWEBtv 

Now, I gave you a challenge in the video, so in the comments fill in the blank below...

I love ____________ about myself!

Don't be embarrassed, we all have something we should be proud of and it doesn't have to be a body part.   Maybe it is your laugh, your commitment to your kids, or the love you show for your family.  The most important thing is that you say positive things about yourself and to yourself everyday!

Thank you very much for watching my video, sharing with your friends, and contributing your passion in the comments.

With Friendship & Love,

Cheryl Stinchcomb

P.S.  If you want to receive Help Over Hump Day every Wednesday, then sign up for my blog updates at CherylWEBtv and be the first to get your weekly inspiration!

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